Thursday, June 3, 2010

Does every website need an interactive community?

Does EVERY website NEED and interactive community? My answer to that question is no.  Need is a strong word in this case. I can think of a few examples where an interactive community is not necessary. For example when I use online banking I would not like to be a part of an interactive community. Also when I place an online order for a restaurant I am also not interested in social interaction. I also believe that others don’t like to slow down and  have to  read a page that’s decorated like a Christmas tree with ads, headers and "share this" and "tweet me" buttons.

On the other hand I think that most websites will benefit from an interactive community. Building an interactive community is important for the development and maintenance of a successful web presence. There are parts of each website that need to be filled with interactivity.  Interactive communities give people a sense of belonging and security.  They are a forum where people who share common interests in products,services and ideas, can feel free to speak anonymously and exchange information that they otherwise wouldn't feel comfortable to share. The advantage of all these kind of web social interactions is that it creates a communication flow amongst users. With the help of social interaction, website owners gain valuable insight into the views of site visitors. For more details on the pros and cons of a website having an interactive community please check out the following blog:

When the internet first started gaining popularity, websites were about sharing static information. Now interactive websites  facilitate sharing life.  It is all about real life and real experiences. The social web has taken off over the past couple of years.  The importance of social interaction is more evident than ever.

1 comment:

  1. I am very impressed and I will continue looking for the next topic!

